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We try every product before featuring it on our site to ensure it adheres to our taste and texture standards; so when you try our products you want to say “GTFO It’s Vegan”.

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Better For You
Better For The Planet

GTFO It’s Vegan is the largest online retailer, wholesaler, and distributor of curated vegan foods.

We are here for EVERYONE – vegan, vegetarians, flexitarians, allergy sensitive (dairy, gluten, etc.) and those just looking to eat and live better.

We seek out the newest innovations in vegan and plant-based foods from all around the world, including meat, seafood, cheese and dairy, bakery, snacks, and much more. 


Try GTFO’s Own Line Of Vegan Sashimi Under the Great Foods, It’s Vegan Brand

The Most Extensive Line Of Vegan Sashimi In The U.S. Market. Lower Sodium; More Affordable!

Available In 3 Varieties: TUNA, SAILFISH, CALAMARI


Our Family Is Always Growing!